The Scottish History Society


The Society is a non-profit making body with the status of a charity. In carrying out its work it relies on the support and on the subscriptions of its members. If you have a real interest in Scotland and her past, then the Society asks you to consider seriously becoming a member and will readily welcome you as one. There are no formal qualifications or requirements for membership.

As a member you will be giving active support to one of the oldest and most valuable projects in Scottish historical studies; payment of the due subscription entitles you to receive a free copy of each of the Society’s publications. These normally consist of one volume (attractively produced and bound) each year.

Were it not for the Society many of these essential tools for the study of Scottish history would never be published at all; and any that were produced by commercial publishers would cost much more than the Society’s current annual subscription.

The Annual General Meeting of the Society is held in Edinburgh on a Saturday morning in December. On this occasion the President of the Society, a distinguished Scottish historian of the day, delivers a lecture, and there is an opportunity for members to meet each other socially.

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